Adult Treatment & Braces

I’m An Adult. Can I Get Braces?

Your teeth make your smile what it is. If you feel good about your teeth, it’s easy to feel good about your smile. If you feel self-conscious about your teeth, it’s hard to feel good about your smile. 

If you’re an adult, you may have learned to live with crooked or crowded teeth – but did you know this problem can be corrected? Working with your dentist in Cape Coral and Fort Myers, FL, you can get braces that can correct the problem. 

Can Adults Wear Braces?

Yes, adults can get braces. Adults can benefit from the use of braces just like younger people. If you have crooked teeth or a misaligned jaw, braces can help correct the problem, even if you’ve been an adult for a long time.

Is There An Age Limit for Braces?

There is no age limit for wearing braces. In order to get braces, your dentist needs to evaluate your teeth to determine whether braces can help you. It’s also important to have good oral health and good hygiene habits. Your dentist will let you know whether you’re a good candidate for braces. 

Are Braces Effective for Adults?

Adult braces can help straighten your teeth, correct a problem with crowded teeth, and align your jaw. Depending on the problem that you’re correcting, your braces can even help improve your oral health. Braces make teeth straight, and straight teeth are easier to clean. 

Are you interested in adult braces in Cape Coral and Fort Myers, FL? If so, contact your dentist at Richards & Associates Orthodontics. We provide adult braces to help straighten your teeth and beautify your smile!



When Should I Bring My Child In for Braces Evaluation?

Some children need braces to straighten their teeth and ensure proper alignment of their jaw and bite. Not all kids need this kind of treatment, but those who do usually benefit from early evaluation and braces installation. Knowing when to bring your child in for evaluation can help ensure that your child gets the treatment they need as soon as they need it. Your dentist in Cape Coral & Fort Myers, FL, can help.

When to Get a Braces Evaluation

For many kids, the best time to get a braces evaluation is when they’re about seven years old. This is the age recommended by the American Association of Orthodontists.

If your child is younger than seven but showing signs they could benefit from orthodontic treatments, the orthodontist may want to see your child even earlier than seven. Contact your child’s orthodontist at Richards & Associates Orthodontics to find out if this is necessary for your child.

Signs Your Child Needs Braces

Sometimes it’s easy to tell when a child may need braces. Here’s what to look for:

  • Your child’s jaw doesn’t properly align when biting down or closed
  • Your child frequently bites the inside of their mouth
  • Your child’s teeth are crowded and difficult to clean properly
  • Your child has a speech impediment

Why It’s Important to Get a Braces Evaluation Early

Most of the time, orthodontic problems only get worse. Getting early evaluation and treatment can help ensure that your child gets the treatment they need before their problem grows more severe.

To sign up for a pediatric braces evaluation in Cape Coral & Fort Myers, FL, contact the professionals at Richards & Associates Orthodontics.

Deciding on Invisible vs. True Braces

Gettingbraces in Fort Myers, FL? If so, our office at Richards & Associates Orthodontics is here to help you choose the best type for your dental health care needs.

Whether you’re interested in traditional braces or you want to try invisible braces, we can give you the information you need to choose the right option. But, what are the differences?

Invisible Braces

Invisible braces, sometimes also called Invisalign, are form-fitting braces that you can take in and out of your mouth. They work similarly to retainers, helping you adjust your teeth over time.

The good thing about invisible braces is that they are removable. And, even when you have them in, they’re not as easy to see as other kinds. For adults who work in positions where braces could interfere, having invisible braces may be a better option.

“True” Braces

There are multiple kinds of “true” braces, which are braces that are affixed to the teeth either along the front with brackets or along the back of the teeth (where they’re out of sight).

Braces like these can correct issues such as crowding, over- or underbites, protruding teeth, and other problems. However, since some forms of these braces can be seen, many adults decide they’d like invisible or ceramic options instead.

Learn More About Braces in Fort Myers, FL

If you needbraces in Fort Myers, FL, we’re here to help you at Richards & Associates Orthodontics. Based in Cape Coral and Fort Myers, we can help you select the treatment that’s right for you based on the options that are best for your situation. Call us to set up an appointment today at 1-239-458-2002, and we’ll get you scheduled.

Invisalign vs. Standard Braces

Are you looking to improve your smile? If so, there are several different orthodontic solutions to choose from. Some of the most popular options include Invisalign and standard braces.

To learn more about these trusted orthodontic treatments, call Richards & Associates Orthodontics today! We’re proud to offer both standard braces and Invisalign in Cape Coral, FL.

In this post, we’ll discuss the key differences between standard braces and Invisalign.


Invisalign is the name brand of a popular orthodontic device that moves teeth to the correct position over time. The device utilizes patented SmartTrack thermoplastic aligner material to move teeth.

Unlike regular braces, Invisalign features clear, removable aligner trays that gradually correct your smile. You remove the device when eating and brushing your teeth. The patient must wear one aligner tray for a week or two before switching to the next device in the set. The treatment is finished once all aligner trays have been used.

Standard Braces

Standard braces aim to achieve the same goal as Invisalign, but their methods are much different. For one, regular braces feature metal brackets and wires that are fixed in place. Secondly, you won’t have to worry about switching to a new device; you’ll wear the same oral appliance for the duration of your treatment.

During treatment, your orthodontist will attach brackets to each tooth and then connect a wire to those brackets. Over time, this pressure will work to move teeth to the desired position.

How to Choose?

Deciding on Invisalign or standard braces comes down to personal preference. However, there are also time and cost differences to consider. While Invisalign is usually a shorter treatment period, it’s also more costly.

To get started with one of these reliable treatments, contact Richards & Associates Orthodontics today! We have the leading orthodontist in Cape Coral, FL!

Adolescent Treatment & Braces

Why Rubber Bands Are an Important Part of Your Orthodontic Treatment

The brackets and wires of your metal braces apply pressure to your teeth, allowing them to shift into a more desirable position. Patients with certain types of orthodontic issues, such as overbite, underbite, or crossbite, also benefit from wearing elastics (rubber bands) in orthodontic treatment in Fort Myers, FL.

Understanding the Anatomy of Metal Braces

It is important to know what each part of your braces does before you can understand how rubber bands help your teeth shift.

  • Brackets: These square-shaped metal pieces attach directly to your teeth with dental bonding material.
  • Archwire: This thin wire attaches to the brackets on your top and bottom rows of teeth. It applies force to the brackets to help your teeth shift.
  • Ligatures: This term refers to the small rubber bands attached to each individual brace that keep the archwire firmly in place.
  • Interarch rubber bands: These rubber bands loop around one bracket from the top row of teeth and another from the bottom row of teeth. Dr. Richards reserves interarch rubber bands for patients with significant alignment issues. The teeth supporting the interarch rubber bands have a small hook attached to the brace.

Patients who need to wear interarch rubber bands must remove them while eating and brushing their teeth. We will provide you with a package of interarch rubber bands since you need to replace them daily. Dr. John Roberts replaces ligature rubber bands at each appointment, so removing them is unnecessary.

Although patients may not find wearing elastics (rubber bands) in orthodontic treatment in Cape Coral, FL, they can significantly impact total treatment time.

Please reach out to schedule an orthodontic consultation at your convenience.

When Do I Need Adult Braces vs. Invisalign?

Your teeth can become misaligned as you age for any number of reasons. Whether you grind your teeth at night, your wisdom teeth crowd the space, or your teeth are just prone to shifting, you can find your smile changing over time. If you want to straighten your teeth when you’re older, we’ll look at when you choose adult braces and when Invisalign is a better option.

Adult Braces Vs. Invisalign 

Adult braces in Cape Coral, FL, are specifically tailored for people who are past childhood and adolescence. They’re typically recommended for people with severe misalignment, as opposed to mild or moderate cases, which can be solved with Invisalign.

Here are a few things to note about the two types of treatment:

  • The visibility of metal braces turns most people off, but invisible options are available even if you’re not eligible for Invisalign. For instance, lingual adult braces are placed behind your teeth so that no one can see them.
  • Depending on your dental plan, adult braces may be more affordable than Invisalign. It’s important to check into the bottom line (e.g., follow-up appointments, etc) of the entire treatment before making your decision.
  • Invisalign is typically more comfortable than braces, as the trays won’t irritate your cheeks or tongue. However, it does require more commitment on the part of the patient, as they’ll need to be removed and replaced regularly while eating and drinking.

See an Orthodontist in Cape Coral

If you have questions about the pros and cons of either option, it’s important to work with a qualifiedorthodontist in Cape Coral, FL, who can answer your questions. At Richards & Associates Orthodontics, our staff can tell you more about how to make the right decision.